Women: Take Charge of your Health

First Published in August Edition of Better Health from The Nation Publishing House

The physical health of women is a major concern worldwide as females are often more chronic sufferers of disease than their male counterparts. Be mindful however, that the body is not the only portion of themselves that a woman should ensure is healthy. Women need to be proactive in securing spirit, mind and body.


  • Get to know yourself – The foundation of all knowledge of self is the trait of self-awareness. Take time out to pray, meditate, write a journal to track your thoughts in order to learn more about you and what makes you tick. Find what you believe in to strengthen and develop your spiritual source whether it is in a god, Supreme Being etc or nothing at all. Just be very self-aware so that you are not easily led off the course of your chosen path.
  • Know your worth – Your worth comes from the inside and not based on the opinion of others. It is not based on your job, how much money you make or earthly possessions. You need to whether it is vocally or in your mind tell yourself that you matter and learn to trust your instincts by following your heart.
  • Treat yourself with respect – the woman in the Reggae on the Beach video, those in the skin-out videos and the girls in the popular Conduckta video are prime examples of how NOT to treat yourself with respect. You should know that treating yourself means you establish standards by which you carry yourself and how you allow others to interact with you. When you respect yourself you will be confident enough to place yourself where you can receive the best life has to offer.  As a product of self-love, self respect hinders you from placing yourself in situations that can be humiliating and degrading. You know your worth and do not need to skin out or anything else to gain the approval of others.



  • Stay true to yourself – resist the societal and familial pressure to become or act in a way that is not who you are at your core. Society often implies that you have to be a certain type of person in order to have any real achievements. But not being true to your inner calling can cause us to become confused, detached from reality and sometimes mentally unstable. To avoid these situations, develop values for yourself and your life and remain true to those. Create your own path for your life and follow that path never forgetting what motivates you.
  • Pursue your purpose passionately – Find your dream, develop a plan for achieving that dream, and then pursue that purpose as passionately as humanly possible. This gives your life direction and perspective within your world thus keeping a clear and focused mind. Also develop your purpose and your mind by reading books and material that helps you learn how to be the best at your purpose and the best you possible.
  • She finds a sound support system – This is family and friends who are willing to support her right or wrong. Supporting you does not mean that they encourage your silliness but they will pat you on the back when you deserve it but will gently let you know when you may be taking the wrong path, how to get on the correct one. Their support is unconditional therefore should you decide to ignore their advice, the reaction won’t be to throw their hands in the air and finish the relationship with you and them. 



  • Nutrition – Take care to have a balanced diet that is high on nutritious value and low on fast foods and other items that can raise blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels. This means including fresh cuts of meat, fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet as much as possible and cutting down on the processed foods that can contain chemicals and other ingredients that are harmful.
  • Active lifestyle – As life becomes more sedentary, we expose ourselves to more diseases of an inactive lifestyle such as diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, incorporate more activity such as exercise into your life. Go for walks on the beach or in your neighbourhood, take in a zumba or yoga class or even join a gym. This improves circulation, heart rate, mood among other health benefits and makes you physically and mentally fit.
  • Being aware of changes in your body – Be aware of your own body and any changes, negative or positive, that it may be experiencing. It is essential to length and quality of life to catch any negative change in our body before it becomes life-threatening. This means you will do things like conduct monthly breast self-examinations, have regular treatments such as Reflexology or Reiki to align anything that may become imbalanced in your body and visit your medical doctor for annual medical check-ups.

These points are just the start of creating a happier, healthier you. As you grow in your self-awareness and connection to self, you will develop more ways to be proactive in taking care of your holistic health, that is bringing balance to your spirit, mind and body.

Take Charge of your Family’s Holistic Health

Family plays an integral role in the health and wellbeing of an individual. However, many times we leave our health and that of our families to fate instead of being proactive. Many times we say, I will start exercising next year or I will improve my family’s diet when I get the chance or we will spend more time together eventually.

These are all essential elements to making our families happy and healthy so don’t put them off for next year or some time or eventually; start incorporating them into your family’s life now.

Quality Time Together

This is important so that your family’s bonds and relationships are allowed to grow through

Don’t delay take charge of your family’s holistic health today.

sharing activities and memories that can bring people together. Whether this is through prayer, playing sports, watching movies with each other, take the time to do things together. This time is proven to be good for the heart and helps to bring balance to your life by taking you out of the stress of a hectic lifestyle to spend time with your support system.

Healthy Diet

It is nigh impossible to achieve the lofty goal of a healthy self on a diet that is not balanced. Rates of chronic diseases that are linked to diet and lifestyle such as High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure and Diabetes are on the increase. These can be prevented by reducing your high fat, high sugar content and increasing natural and organic elements such as fruits, vegetables and fresh cuts of meat into your family’s diet.

Plan your family’s diets to include more home-cooked meals and less processed and fast foods that while filling are low in nutritional content. This will allow you to ensure your family’s foods have the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it needs to function correctly and remain healthy,


Encouraging your family to be active whether it is through playing sports at school or joining a community sports club or gym has a variety of health benefits for the whole family. By exercising your family is being proactive in their health and wellbeing and taking steps to improve their quality of life.

Firstly, exercise fights against diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease by keeping the heart muscle strong. Secondly it controls weight and releases the pressure being overweight would have on your heart and joints. Furthermore, regular exercise improves mood and leaves one in a more balanced mental state with boosted memory and ability to sleep.

Freedom of Expression with respect

Allow our families the ability to express and be themselves free from judgement within the family setting. If there is correction to be done, surely this will be done with love and respect. Many of the mental and spiritual imbalances seen our people are due to esteem issues that hamper our happiness and the ability to be our best selves. This is manifested also in physical ailments and harmful activities that we submit ourselves to as we search for validation.

All these elements allow your family to grow spiritually, mentally and physically in a way that is encouraging and healthy for them. We all want our families to be happy and healthy. Let’s not delay working for this goal because family is essential to our own survival.

Reflexology and the Pregnant Woman

First published in the Better Health Magazine for May 2012 by Nation Publishing House.

Reflexology is a Complementary Therapy that helps restore balance to body, mind and spirit. Pressure is strategically applied to areas of the ears, hands and feet that correspond with specific organs and bodily systems. This stimulates the blood flow, immune systems and other areas of the body and relieves any imbalances that may exist.

Reflexology and Pregnancy

While pregnancy is a joyous times for women, there can also be some physical, mental and emotional distress for a gestating mother.

Reflexology eases the distress felt at every stage of pregnancy, stimulating the bodies healing qualities to relieve complaints such as morning sickness, fatigue, Digestive disorders, swollen extremities, Backache, Cramps and incontinence among others.

How does it work?

Pressure is applied to the food to ease the aforementioned distresses plus circulation

Pregnancy is a joyous time for mothers and reflexology can help relieve any distress at any stage of the pregnancy.

issues that would arise during pregnancy. Reflexology produces a signal in the peripheral nervous system which is transmitted to the central nervous system which travels to the brain and other vital organs stimulating healing thus allowing the pregnant woman to feel more comfortable.

Reflexology and the Breeched Baby

A breeched baby is one whose feet or bottom are turned to the cervix. For the simplest birth, it is better if the baby’s head is to the woman’s cervix when it is time to give birth. The majority of babies turn themselves around the 37th or 38th week; however, there is a small minority that do not thus needing medical or some other intervention to turn the baby otherwise most hospitals will deliver via c-section.

Reflexology is a proven method of turning babies to ensure that the mother has a safe, quiet vaginal birth. There is a technique for stimulating an acupressure point on the foot near the little toe that helps breech babies turn. This point should be avoided in Reflexology sessions in early pregnancy and be used specifically if the baby is breeched and needs help turning.

Reflexology and Labour

Reflexology is a great practice for pregnant ladies and can be used to turn babies as well as during the labour process.

Reflexology is used in the later stages of pregnancy especially when a woman is overdue to encourage labour. This treatment can be applied at any stage in the labour process as effects are felt between 2-15 minutes of starting the therapy.

During labour, Reflexology stimulates the pituitary gland which releases the hormones that speed labour and relieve pain, reducing the need for epidurals. Fully clothed, the pregnant woman’s feet are rubbed with witch hazel to stimulate the gland and get the hormones flowing. This process can last for 45 minutes to an hour. In some hospitals reflexology is supported and the treatment can continue even in full pregnancy at 15 minute intervals.

Reflexology has been known to reduce the period of labour by as much as 30% if used in the weeks leading up to and during labour. Also, it helps enhance the mother’s energy while aiding with muscle relaxation between contractions.

Reflexology after the birth

Reflexology is very useful to help a new mother recover from the delivery process and adjust to the early stages of motherhood. This treatment helps reduce stress and boost the energy level that living with a newborn may take from a mother.

From the delivery room, where it is used to help eject the placenta to months later, reflexology eases the time for the woman. Stimulating milk flow and allowing the body to heal from the delivery, Reflexology is safe and relaxing for the new mother. It can also help relieve urinary retention.

Reflexology and Infertility Issues

For those seeking to get pregnant reflexology also helps with those suffering from infertility issues. It relaxes the body and allows the woman to feel more confident and in control of the process of fertility. As the woman becomes more relaxed, the chances of the fertilised eggs attaching to the uterine wall and catching as the term states is increased. Reflexology empowers this process by preparing the reproductive system for conception and creating the right environment in the woman’s body for pregnancy.

Reflexology has been seen to ease the conditions that lead to infertility in women such as Anovulation which is the absence of ovulation, Amenorrhoea which is the lack of menstruation and Endometriosis. These conditions have all been proven to be relieved via 5 or more reflexology sessions.


From fertility to delivery and beyond, Reflexology is a powerful aide to mothers and pleasant to experience. For those mothers that work close to the date of delivery, Reflexology’s restorative powers are extremely precious. Reflexology is natural and safe way to aid a woman deal with the changes associated with the entire pregnancy process.

Finding Wellness in Barbados

This is the excerpt of an article written for MyDestination.com/Barbados. Visit the website by clicking here to read the entire article.

Vacations are meant to give us a temporary respite from our hectic schedules and sometimes stressful responsibilities. We visit places of historic significance, such as our Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison , or relax on one of the beautiful beaches to cool our heads and bring some serenity to our lives.

Having a holistic holiday or fitting time into your vacation for a range of holistic treatments or a spot of wellness in Barbados will not only enhance your enjoyment, but it will allow you to return home refreshed and balanced in body, mind and spirit.

What you should know about Ear Candling

Ear Candling is a relaxing therapy used to prevent and treat common ailments related to the ear. It is also referred to as ear coning or thermal-auricular therapy. Proponents of Ear Candling believe that it was invented by Hopi Indians, the Native American people of the U.S.A, leading to the term Hopi Ear Candles. There is evidence that human beings have been using Ear Candling for hundreds of years.

What are Ear Candles?

Ear Candles are made of cotton or linen that are wound into hollow cones, soaked in eitheEar Candlesr paraffin or beeswax and then left to harden.  They vary in length from 8 inches to 12 inches and are used to remove soft earwax which can cause mild to severe difficulties.

Who should use Ear Candles?

For the majority of people earwax removes itself automatically. However, there are some people who for one reason or another need help to have the earwax removed.

How long does a treatment last?

Treatments vary according to each therapist, however the average time is between 20-25 minutes in each ear. It is advisable to be treated by a trained professional as they know the correct timing and necessary process to use in order to prevent your ear being burnt or serious damage being done to your hair and face.

How frequent should I have a treatment?

Based on the consultation with your therapist, it may vary from one person to another. Initially, most people need just 2 or 3 candling sessions. Some people may need up to eight (8) sessions over a six month period. Once your ears are clean, personal preference should determine how often you have your ears candled. If you want to make use of it for relaxation purposes, consult your therapist to determine if it can be used more regularly based on your situation.

What are Ear Candles used as for?

The link between ear, nose and throat means that Ear Candling can treat a number of ailments including sinusitis.

Ear candles are used for a variety of purposes such as glue ear, sinusitis, hearing loss, relaxation, and to stimulate the body’s natural ear wax removal process. They can also treat the symptoms of vertigo, tinnitus and blocked ears. The treatment helps regularise the strain in the ear canal and is utilised by athletes and those operating at high altitudes.

How do Ear Candles work?

Ear Candles are similar to acupuncture and reflexology in their methodology of treating the ear. It acts as a catalyst, stimulating the blood follow in the ear which helps to restore balance in the ear canal which has health benefits such as improved hearing, clear sinuses by empowering your body to heal these ailments. The heat from the candle stimulates the energy in the area and this energy is what removes the excess wax and other impurities that would be causing the problems.

What happens during a session?

You remain fully dressed for the duration of the session. You are made to lie comfortably on either side and your head is propped by a pillow so that the auditory canal is vertical. The narrow end of the candle is placed gently at the opening to the ear while the opposite end is lit. There is a warm sensation as the candle burns down which works to relax you. The therapist will hold the candle steady constantly monitoring its level and removing it before it burns all the way down so that it can be extinguished. This is then repeated on the other ear. Many therapists may finish the process with an ear massage to strengthen the experience.

Ear Candling is very powerful and useful treatment that helps many people with their ailments.  Please feel free to contact The Merkaba if you want to learn more about this particular therapy or experience having it done.

The Healing Properties of Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies are a therapeutic method of treating physical illness by addressing the emotional and spiritual ailments that may lie at the root of the sickness. Within the world of Complementary Medicine, Bach Flower Remedies are relatively new additions. Developed by Homeopath Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930’s, Bach Flower Therapy uses dilutions of flower essences formed by 38 original recipes to treat a variety of ailments.

Bach Flower Remedies have strong healing properties for emotional and physical ailments.

Dr. Bach discovered certain resonances in flowers that he believed would be useful in balancing the emotional and spiritual conditions of his clients thus healing their physical ailments. As this form of treatment replaces negative emotions with positive ones, the treatments truly do capture the essence of holistic therapy, treating body, mind and soul.

How Does It Work?

These 38 plant and flower based remedies were all created to address a specific emotion. As such, these recipes assist persons in controlling the emotional requirements of daily life which has become increasingly stressful and demanding. For example Mimulus is used to reduce fear and anxiety, empowering you to face fearful situations with courage

By motivating the body’s self healing qualities, Bach Flower remedies allow you to take control of your emotional, spiritual and physical condition, feel better about yourself and get more out of life.

The remedies, that are usually admitted orally, can be used alone or in collaboration with each other.

Who offers such a treatment?

A Naturopath or qualified Bach Flower Therapist would conduct a consultation and then advise you on the most suitable remedy or remedies for your situation.

What does it treat and who can take it?

Dr. Bach categorised seven negative categories of emotions. These are fearfulness, uncertainty, lack of interest in present circumstances, loneliness, over-sensitivity, despondence and despair, and over-concern for the welfare of others.

By addressing these emotions, Bach Flower Remedies treat a multiplicity of disorders such as anxiety, sleep disorders, attention deficit disorder, ADHD, and the effects of trauma among other ailments.

There are over 38 original Bach Flower Remedies.

Bach Flower Remedies are safe and can be taken by anyone without side effects, overdosing or addiction. They are also safe to use in conjunction with conventional medicine. It is believed that there is no harm done in choosing the wrong one as the remedy will cancel out itself should the need arise.

How are they created?

The flower remedies and essences used in Bach Flower Therapy are liquid dilutions. There are two ways of creating these remedies. Firstly by boiling the potent portions of the plants in spring water or secondly by placing the flowers onto the surface of the spring water, allowing the natural sunlight to release the essences into the water. After either of these methods, the water is preserved in a brandy solution.

What will they do for you?

Balance – Bach Remedy will improve your quality of life by bringing your emotional and spiritual selves into a state of balance stimulating a positive position of physical health and wellbeing. This has constructive implications for all areas of your life, creating a healthier, more courageous and connected you, empowering you to take a more proactive role in receiving all that life has to offer.

Written by The Merkaba team and originally published in Barbados’ Better Health for March – A magazine of the Nation Publishing Company.

The Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Today’s Society

Maintaining optimum health requires dedication to watching what you eat and drink. It requires keeping fit and active while implementing preventative measures such as visits to the doctor to reduce chances of major illnesses going unnoticed for long periods of time.

Complementary Medicine is an integral tool in achieving this positive state of health and treats the individual as a whole, incorporating body, mind and spirit to develop vibrant health and wellbeing.

Complementary Medicine treats the individual as a whole, incorporating body, mind and spirit to develop vibrant health and wellbeing.

Complementary Medicine is an integral tool in achieving this positive state of health and treats the individual as a whole, incorporating body, mind and spirit to develop vibrant health and wellbeing. The holistic approach adopted by Complementary Therapists acknowledges that body, mind and spirit are interlinked.  Any change in one affects the other two and vice versa resulting in illness or health.

An instrumental portion of comple-mentary medicine focuses on achieving and maintaining health naturally using nutrition. Through the consumption of wholesome and natural foods, toxins are eliminated from the body and bodily functions are supported for best possible performance.

Supplements provide an essential boost to the practice of holistic health and wellbeing. They do not replace a balanced diet but make up for any gaps in terms of nutrients and vitamins. Supplements have been a part of athletes’ diet for years as they realise the undeniable link between nutrition and fitness. They are recently becoming more widely used in the general population because of a growing acceptance that our current diets are increasingly more unnatural and lacking in vitamins, minerals as well as essential amino acids.

Supplements provide an essential boost to the practice of holistic health and wellbeing

Supplements provide an essential boost to the practice of holistic health and wellbeing

Our environment contributes to our physical, mental and spiritual health. The water we drink, the foods we eat, even the air we breathe can affect our health negatively. Through the use of various therapies such as Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Reiki and Aromatherapy among others, Complementary Therapists are able to address these issues through a base of preventative care, often supporting conventional treatments.

Choosing the correct Complementary Therapy requires some investigation into what is best for the individual. Most practitioners will have an essential consultation with you before starting their programme to ensure that their treatment is the appropriate course of action for you based on your medical history and current needs. Don’t be afraid to state any concerns you may have to the practitioners and to ask for referrals from your current medical professionals.

The Merkaba, Centre for Holistic Health and Wellbeing located at ‘Alcott’, Worthing Main Road, incorporates all of the above; nutrition, supplements and holistic therapies, to guide clients towards a healthy and holistic lifestyle that helps them create the conditions necessary in achieving optimum health and wellbeing.

The Merkaba Centre’s vision is to open the world of Complementary Medicine to those inBarbadoswho are looking for different options in healing body, mind and spirit, through integrity and education.

 Anyone looking for alternative options of healing, health and wellbeing is encouraged to try The Merkaba Centre which provides treatments that address a number of ailments prevalent in Barbados along with nutritional advice plus the necessary preventative care to maintain a positive state of health.

As a centre that embraces all angles of Complementary Therapy, The Merkaba also invites any qualified Therapists interested in starting or relocating their practice, to join us on Saturday February 25, 2012 to view the centre and discuss becoming a part of this progressive vision.

Originally Published in the Healthy Living Feature of Barbados Today, January 27, 2012.

Food: More than a Fuel Source

In Barbados, you will often hear someone say that a person really loves his or her belly. This basically means that the person loves to eat. While we need to eat to live, we should ensure that we are eating the correct things and not over or under eating.

Food is more than a fuel source.

I may eat three meals and two snacks a day, telling myself that I am fuelling my body to accomplish my daily tasks. However, is that really all my food is supposed to do? Give me energy to do set tasks. I would invite you to view food as a nutritional base to support all bodily functions AND maintain optimum health and wellbeing.

How do you do this? I suggest adopting a holistic approach to nutrition. This is creating a healthy and balanced diet that supports the nutritional needs of the person as a whole. Holistic nutrition encourages each individual to eat natural and wholesome foods while purging the toxins from our bodies. When these things don’t happen, illnesses may occur to let us know we need to restore balance.

Supporting one’s nutritional needs includes dietary sources, supplements and positive lifestyle changes. In holistic nutrition, food serves as the following:

  1. Fuel Source: Food does have a role to play in providing the energy and support our body needs to perform all its daily tasks. Choose carefully the diet you consume to help build sustenance for your body. A diet of junk food and sweets will not in the long-term sustain your body’s energy levels, often causing crashes and chronic exhaustion.
  2. Support bodily systems: Each day our body performs millions of functions such as digestive, respiratory and cardiac among others. These functions require nutrients and minerals to support their procedures and without such will malfunction or perform inadequately. Choose foods that are natural as well as healthy such as fruits and vegetables that contain the necessary nutrients to support these bodily functions.
  3. Healing: Holistic nutrition believes that the many ailments can be treated with the correct diet that rebuilds the body, supports its natural functions and purges the disease causing toxins from the body.
  4. Immune Boosters: A holistic, balanced nutritional diet is a great preventative measure against ailment and disease as it boosts the body’s immune system. Food as an immune booster increases the number of white cells and strengthens them to fight illnesses better while eliminating wastes that would cause the system to drag.

Hopefully as we start to realise that food is more than a fuel source we will be more careful about the food that we consume.  This will help us maintain and achieve a positive state of health and wellbeing.

Orthodox Medicine & Complementary Medicine: No Need for Conflict

For decades there has been an undertone of antagonism between the Orthodox and Complementary medicine camps. Both groups of practitioners argue that the other

There is room for both traditional and complementary medicine in our lives.

set is either pushing harmful treatments on its patients or encouraging clients to be irresponsible with their health and well-being.

However, both camps should make room for the patient to make an intelligent choice by providing fair and balanced information about the benefits as well as the drawbacks of their respective medicines and therapies.

Consider this controversial concept …

There is room for both Orthodox and Complementary medicine in an individual’s life.


Complementary medicine is preventative in nature, seeking to diminish our chances of developing life threatening illnesses by practicing healthy living and eating. Orthodox medicine, on the other hand, is on the curative portion of the curve providing cures or treatments after a patient is diagnosed with a disease.


Complementary medicine treats the root of the illness, linking the body, mind and soul’s connection to the disease, whereas orthodox medicine has a symptomatic approach. For example, the orthodox approach would treat the sneeze i.e. the symptom of the cold rather than the root cause which could have been triggered by a depressed immune system.


The body, a system of extraordinary intelligence, can heal itself naturally. Any supplements or treatments should be natural and restorative to encourage and support such healing. This is the orientation of complementary medicine when treating illnesses. However, one needs to be wise and consult a physician who can examine, diagnose and inform you of the orthodox drugs or surgical options that are available. In this way, you can make a responsible decision about your approach to your own healing once informed about all options.


With a customised focus, such as the one adopted by complementary medicine, each patient can be assured that the treatment is personally suited to them. We may have the same scientifically named ailment, but its root cause and effects on us are different. Orthodox medicine may however, prescribe the identical medicine, treatment or surgery based on the same ailment suffered by a mass group of people.

Use of complementary medicine does not eliminate the role of orthodox medicine.

The Merkaba believes you can intelligently and responsibly incorporate orthodox and complementary medicine in your life. You could choose the orthodox route, decide to follow a completely complementary direction or to combine the two. One could take the medication provided by your physician, and a complementary medicine once that ailment has been cured, to flush the liver of the drug and restore the body’s natural cultures.

With this in mind, there is no need for conflict between orthodox and complementary medicines, since each of us is able to make an intelligent decision about our lives and health from an informed standpoint.

4 simple ways to resolve your feet issues

Whenever I watch the superstars of the day perform the most demanding dance routines

A nice walk in the grass will help you reconnect with nature and keep you grounded.

in concert or on TV in four inch heels, I think to myself, do they know the damage they are really doing to their feet? Some people think it looks cute and speaks to the talent of the artist to be able to sing, dance and entertain all while wearing these towers of discomfort.

We punish ourselves to look good at weddings, parties and even church. Forcing our feet into uncomfortable shoes such as stilettos, or wearing certain sandals and flip flops that provide no support to our feet can cause serious damage to our feet and bodies.

Issues such as pain in the knee, lower back, shoulder, neck, head and stomach may be connected to damaged feet. The muscles and nerves in our feet are connected to glands, organs and other sections of the body and damage done to them will be reflected in these respective areas.

A few simple suggestions could be the solution to your feet issues:

  1. Reflexology – this is used to prompt physical changes in the related parts of the body by applying pressure to the bottom of the foot and can help to counteract the negative effects of wearing damaging shoes. Reflexology stimulates healing in bones, muscles and nerves that could have been distorted by these painful shoes.
  2. Walk barefoot whenever possible – studies show that all shoes are bad for you as they force us to walk in a way that is unnatural for our bodies. Solution: within your home and safe areas walk barefoot to relieve the pressure that would otherwise be on your feet.  Go for an early morning walk in your garden or on the beach with no shoes on. This allows you to be grounded and reconnected with nature which facilitates the realignment of your whole being.
  3. Choose better shoes – Wear shoes that allow for the least amount of damage to the alignment of your feet. Shoes that provide support to the balls, arch and heel of your feet are the best choice to maintain healthy feet and bodies. Shoes with rounded toes that provide padding and room for your feet are also great choices.
  4. Buy shoes that actually fit your feet. A friend of mine buys size 9 shoes even though her feet are size 10 because she is embarrassed to have big feet. After years of forcing her feet into small shoes she now spends thousands of dollars every year in order to repair the damage that was done to her back and her feet.

Our feet are the support structure for our entire bodies and we encourage you to take good care of your feet to reduce or even eliminate the difficulties that accompany years of wearing incorrect shoes.

Let us know in the comments section, the issues you or someone you know may have had with shoe/feet issues and how they were resolved. We would love to share them with all our readers.