5 Ways to Live a Balanced Life

An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away.

Balance is the Key to a Healthy Life

Life seems to be one giant race to the end. The race leaves us feeling unsatisfied as though we are on the proverbial hamster wheel leaving us exposed to many illnesses of the mind, body and soul.

The best way to achieve holistic health is through a balanced life. While this may be hard to achieve, the 5 tips below provide some suggestions on how to get started on your quest to balance in mind body and soul.

  1. Create a vision and set goals – Visualise what your idea of a balanced life is and determine what needs to be done to help you reach that vision. You may decide that a balanced life means working less and spending more time with your family and friends. The next step would be to map out the steps you need to take to make that a reality.
  2. Prioritise the various aspects of your life – Establish what is most important to you. Is your health the biggest priority? What about your family or your career? Prioritising will help you determine what areas of your life deserve greater attention.
  3. Take care of your body – Diet and exercise should not be done only by those who want to lose weight or by athletes. It is a great way to keep the body functioning and healthy. Be sure to let the body rest when it’s needed. The saying “sleep when you’re dead” will only guarantee that you get to the grave quicker. It is not possible to live a balanced life if you do not have a body.
  4. Nurture your spirit– Prayer and meditation are great ways of relieving stress and achieving emotional and spiritual renewal. A consistent prayer and meditation schedule provides insights into problems that may have been bothering you and leads to peace. Prayer and meditation can also increase creativity, inspiration and strength for the future.

    Living a balanced life equals a happy life

  5. Develop a sound mind – Without a sound mind, one’s life will always be in disarray. Therefore, always find ways to keep your mind sound and strong. Reading and keeping in a state where you learn more about yourself, others and the world you live in helps develop your mind and improve your decision-making skills. You know who you are; therefore, you are more confident in yourself and your abilities. Being physically active also relieves some stress and anxiety that may cause you to lose the mental soundness required to achieve balance in mind, body and soul.

 Welcome to the beginning of your journey to health and happiness. We, at The Merkaba are always happy to hear of your successes.

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