4 simple ways to resolve your feet issues

Whenever I watch the superstars of the day perform the most demanding dance routines

A nice walk in the grass will help you reconnect with nature and keep you grounded.

in concert or on TV in four inch heels, I think to myself, do they know the damage they are really doing to their feet? Some people think it looks cute and speaks to the talent of the artist to be able to sing, dance and entertain all while wearing these towers of discomfort.

We punish ourselves to look good at weddings, parties and even church. Forcing our feet into uncomfortable shoes such as stilettos, or wearing certain sandals and flip flops that provide no support to our feet can cause serious damage to our feet and bodies.

Issues such as pain in the knee, lower back, shoulder, neck, head and stomach may be connected to damaged feet. The muscles and nerves in our feet are connected to glands, organs and other sections of the body and damage done to them will be reflected in these respective areas.

A few simple suggestions could be the solution to your feet issues:

  1. Reflexology – this is used to prompt physical changes in the related parts of the body by applying pressure to the bottom of the foot and can help to counteract the negative effects of wearing damaging shoes. Reflexology stimulates healing in bones, muscles and nerves that could have been distorted by these painful shoes.
  2. Walk barefoot whenever possible – studies show that all shoes are bad for you as they force us to walk in a way that is unnatural for our bodies. Solution: within your home and safe areas walk barefoot to relieve the pressure that would otherwise be on your feet.  Go for an early morning walk in your garden or on the beach with no shoes on. This allows you to be grounded and reconnected with nature which facilitates the realignment of your whole being.
  3. Choose better shoes – Wear shoes that allow for the least amount of damage to the alignment of your feet. Shoes that provide support to the balls, arch and heel of your feet are the best choice to maintain healthy feet and bodies. Shoes with rounded toes that provide padding and room for your feet are also great choices.
  4. Buy shoes that actually fit your feet. A friend of mine buys size 9 shoes even though her feet are size 10 because she is embarrassed to have big feet. After years of forcing her feet into small shoes she now spends thousands of dollars every year in order to repair the damage that was done to her back and her feet.

Our feet are the support structure for our entire bodies and we encourage you to take good care of your feet to reduce or even eliminate the difficulties that accompany years of wearing incorrect shoes.

Let us know in the comments section, the issues you or someone you know may have had with shoe/feet issues and how they were resolved. We would love to share them with all our readers.

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