The Healing Properties of Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies are a therapeutic method of treating physical illness by addressing the emotional and spiritual ailments that may lie at the root of the sickness. Within the world of Complementary Medicine, Bach Flower Remedies are relatively new additions. Developed by Homeopath Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930’s, Bach Flower Therapy uses dilutions of flower essences formed by 38 original recipes to treat a variety of ailments.

Bach Flower Remedies have strong healing properties for emotional and physical ailments.

Dr. Bach discovered certain resonances in flowers that he believed would be useful in balancing the emotional and spiritual conditions of his clients thus healing their physical ailments. As this form of treatment replaces negative emotions with positive ones, the treatments truly do capture the essence of holistic therapy, treating body, mind and soul.

How Does It Work?

These 38 plant and flower based remedies were all created to address a specific emotion. As such, these recipes assist persons in controlling the emotional requirements of daily life which has become increasingly stressful and demanding. For example Mimulus is used to reduce fear and anxiety, empowering you to face fearful situations with courage

By motivating the body’s self healing qualities, Bach Flower remedies allow you to take control of your emotional, spiritual and physical condition, feel better about yourself and get more out of life.

The remedies, that are usually admitted orally, can be used alone or in collaboration with each other.

Who offers such a treatment?

A Naturopath or qualified Bach Flower Therapist would conduct a consultation and then advise you on the most suitable remedy or remedies for your situation.

What does it treat and who can take it?

Dr. Bach categorised seven negative categories of emotions. These are fearfulness, uncertainty, lack of interest in present circumstances, loneliness, over-sensitivity, despondence and despair, and over-concern for the welfare of others.

By addressing these emotions, Bach Flower Remedies treat a multiplicity of disorders such as anxiety, sleep disorders, attention deficit disorder, ADHD, and the effects of trauma among other ailments.

There are over 38 original Bach Flower Remedies.

Bach Flower Remedies are safe and can be taken by anyone without side effects, overdosing or addiction. They are also safe to use in conjunction with conventional medicine. It is believed that there is no harm done in choosing the wrong one as the remedy will cancel out itself should the need arise.

How are they created?

The flower remedies and essences used in Bach Flower Therapy are liquid dilutions. There are two ways of creating these remedies. Firstly by boiling the potent portions of the plants in spring water or secondly by placing the flowers onto the surface of the spring water, allowing the natural sunlight to release the essences into the water. After either of these methods, the water is preserved in a brandy solution.

What will they do for you?

Balance – Bach Remedy will improve your quality of life by bringing your emotional and spiritual selves into a state of balance stimulating a positive position of physical health and wellbeing. This has constructive implications for all areas of your life, creating a healthier, more courageous and connected you, empowering you to take a more proactive role in receiving all that life has to offer.

Written by The Merkaba team and originally published in Barbados’ Better Health for March – A magazine of the Nation Publishing Company.

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