All You Should Know about … Chakra Re-Balancing


The Chakras the portion of your life-force that regulate the flow of energy in your body.

The current lifestyle of the human being is stressful and ripe with elements that may cause us to feel emotionally, spiritually and physically out of sync. In order to regain and maintain an optimal level of balance, it is important to intermittently have our Chakras balanced.

What are our Chakras?

The Chakras are the areas of our body which regulate the flow of energy. The Chakras are not a part of the physical body but are an essential part the life force. The Chakras absorb the energy of our thoughts, feelings and the aspects of our external environment, feeding this into the body. All feelings and emotions including stress are connected to specific Chakras and can cause them to spin incorrectly causing mental, spiritual and physical imbalance.

There are thousands of Chakras identified by the original Hindu tradition, however, there are seven main identified in practice.

  1. The Crown Chakra which is located at the top of the head.
  2. Third Eye or Brow Chakra which is located above and between the eyebrows
  3. The Throat Chakra is found at the base of the throat.
  4. The Heart Chakra – situated at the centre of the chest.
  5. The Solar Plexus Chakra located just above the navel
  6. The Sacral Chakra found just below the navel.
  7. The Root or Base Chakra which is at the base of the spine.

Origins of Chakra Balance


Chakra Balance practitioners most likely will not touch you physically as they are operating in your life force or aura.

Chakra Re-balancing is based in Hindu and Buddhist traditions and was first mentioned in the Vedas (Hindu texts of knowledge) which were written circa  2,000 – 600 B.C. These writings are based on centuries old oral traditions which were now being recorded by Indo-European travellers known as “Aryans”.

Chakra is a Sanskrit for “wheel”, “turning” or “disks” often thought to represent the wheels of the chariots driven by the Aryans. Another representation is the portrayal of celestial order and balance.

How a Chakra Balance Session works?

At the beginning of the session, the therapist will have an assessment to determine your needs and then proceed. Below is a list of the things you can expect during a session:

  1. Comforting music is often used to augment the atmosphere for the total release of healing. However, you can request silence if you so desire.
  2. The therapist will light candles to boost the healing energies in the room and help create a tranquil and encouraging atmosphere.
  3. You will be placed on a therapy couch or table and covered with a blanket for your comfort and warmth while remaining fully clothed. Your therapists will strategically place his/her hands at areas near the chakras along your body to help bring them back into alignment. Most sessions will last about 60 minutes.
  4. Most therapists don’t actually touch you physically as they are operating within your aura or life force rather than the physical realm. If your therapist does have the hands-on technique ask for them to show you the hand placements ahead of time so that you know what to expect from that specific session. You should let the practitioner know if you have had any surgeries recently so that they can avoid touching you in any particularly sensitive areas.
  5. The therapist’s hands can feel either warm or cool during the session.
  6. Your experience of the Chakra re-Balancing session may be different from that of others. As the Chakras are balanced, the respective emotions may be released causing crying, laughter or even pain relief. Most common response has been the feeling of peace and relaxation.

Getting your Chakras Re-balanced carry a number of benefits such as pain relief, easing of other physical, mental and spiritual issues. Therefore, it is essential to get our Chakras Re-balanced to keep ourselves in optimal health.